Part 2. Rights Relating to Personal Data

§ 13–61–201. Consumer rights—Access—Deletion—Portability—Opt out of certain processing

  1. A consumer has the right to:
    (a) confirm whether a controller is processing the consumer’s personal data; and
    (b) access the consumer’s personal data.
  2. A consumer has the right to delete the consumer’s personal data that the consumer provided to the controller.
  3. A consumer has the right to obtain a copy of the consumer’s personal data, that the consumer previously provided to the controller, in a format that:
    (a) to the extent technically feasible, is portable;
    (b) to the extent practicable, is readily usable; and
    (c) allows the consumer to transmit the data to another controller without impediment, where the processing is carried out by automated means.
  4. A consumer has the right to opt out of the processing of the consumer’s personal data for purposes of:
    (a) targeted advertising; or
    (b) the sale of personal data.
    (5) Nothing in this section requires a person to cause a breach of security system as defined in Section 13–44–102.